We believe both of our liposomal brands offer excellent bioavailability, and each has its own merits. We will let you be the judge of which of our brands better suits your needs.
The size liposomes we prefer is around 100 nm to 400 nm (nanometres). Most of the liposomes in our products, about 95%, are within that range. Some are smaller, some are larger. This size allows for direct absorption and carries a lot of volume inside each liposome. Think of liposomes as tiny grocery bags. If the bags are too small, they cannot carry very much. On the other hand, if they are too large, the liposomes are too large for maximum absorption. The ‘sweet spot’ size is around 100 to 400 nm—at this size they can carry a lot of nutrition and to absorb well.
This size is too small to be seen with an optical microscope. Verifying them requires specialized equipment. We use a two-step confirmation. First, we characterize the particle size using DLS (Dynamic Light Scattering) equipment. This tells us we have achieved the correct size and indicates the size range and percentage of each size. However, without further information, we would not know whether the particles are ‘solid particles’ or true liposomes. To do that we need an image. This is achieved with electron microscope images. This equipment also confirms the size once again.
Visualize a liposome as a sub-microscopic ‘balloon’, or bubble. With EMI (Electron Microscopy Imaging) we can see the liposomes and verify the spherical nature of them. We can see they are translucent spheres filled with liquid, as liposomes should be. If the particles were solid, they would not be translucent. And they would not be spherical.
Of course, they are not all perfect spheres, since they are all packed together. They push against each other, so are not perfectly spherical. We can also see how densely packed the liposomes are—the liquid is simply FULL of tightly packed liposomes! In fact, the images you see here were all diluted 1,000 to 10,000 times to allowed for the individual liposomes to be seen—just imagine how densely packed the liposomes are in a bottle!
It takes time to get used to these images—they are black and white and may not look too impressive. But as you examine the images, you begin to see exactly what we are saying—and you might even find them amazing— we certainly do. The liposomes have a thin wall—just like a bubble, or balloon, with lots of room inside to carry the nutrients.
The thin wall is made of PC—PhosphatidylCholine and other phospholipids. These phospholipids are very healthful nutrients on their own. Add to that the fact that they are carrying a nutrient payload inside them and you have the equivalent of an expensive gift (the payload), packaged with solid gold wrapping paper (the PC balloon).
Two images are at 500 nm (0.5 um) to show the relative sizes and how densely the liposomes are packed. The third image is at 200 nm (0.2um) to show a closeup of the liposome wall—you can see the relative thickness of the PC that makes the wall of the liposomes.
In each photo you can see smaller liposomes within larger liposomes. This is a superb characteristic since it creates a natural time-release of nutrients. As larger liposomes open and release their nutrients, smaller ones inside them open later, helping to maintain high nutrient levels over an extended time. This allows the cells of the body to utilize the nutrition far more effectively. Think of that as the difference between a flash flood and a gentle rain. The flash flood comes and goes and the plants (like your cells) never get the benefit of the water. The gentle rain waters the plants—they take in the water.
Liposomes are superior to simple emulsions because liposomes create a true wall around the nutrients inside. This protects the nutrients from harsh stomach acid that can destroy delicate molecules. It also protects the stomach from molecules that may upset it. Liposomes can carry far more nutrition than an emulsion. And the natural time-release of our liposomes is unlike anything an emulsion can do. Finally, the PC of the liposome is a truly healthy ingredient.
As for exactly how we make these … we can only reveal that we do this without heat, chemicals, solvents, or high pressure that can damage delicate nutrients. No alcohol is involved. We spent years learning to make liposomes using natural ingredients and in natural conditions. We have continued to perfect the process ever since – and worked closely with our manufacturers who have developed their own equipment over the years - adjusting parameters to create the most stable, healthful liposomes that can be made.
The SANUSq brand liposomal products are manufactured and bottled in the UK and EU with either resealable PET bottles or glass bottles with an eye-dropper for precision dispensing. This brand is non-GMO Sunflower oil, non-Soy and Gluten free. All ingredients for all products are detailed on the individual product pages.
Why buy Bonne Santé Liposome products?
Our Bonne Santé Liposome (BSL) products can be differentiated by the production process and the packaging. Ingredients include minimal amounts of ethanol as a stabilizing agent and non-GMO Soy lecithin, and are Sugar-free, Gluten free and vegetarian friendly. All ingredients for all products are detailed on the individual product pages.
The liposomes in our BSL products have different textures and flavours to the SANUSq Liposomal brand products, with less dosage per ml and therefore available at a lesser price, but offering equally beneficial nutrient delivery.
Why buy SANUSq Botanique herbal products?
Our customers and friends have asked us: Why are we selling pure herbs and not extracts? Our supplements are made from pure, organic herbs that are loaded with a varying degree of bioactive compounds. At this point, we are not selling any extract-based supplement as it involves isolating and concentrating one specific bioactive compound from each herb. This process either removes or overlooks other important components that contribute to the overall activity of the herb or the part of the herb that has been used. Standardization happens at the cost of other compounds present in the herb that are equally beneficial. At SANUSq Health, we strongly believe that changing the natural balance of the herb has a negative effect on its efficacy as well as safety.
Plants and medicinal herbs contain a complex combination of bioactive compounds, minerals and vitamins that have their individual health benefits. But these components work with each other in a way that maximize the benefits and minimize the side effects of the herb. This interaction of different components is responsible for its “full-spectrum” therapeutic value. It is highly uncertain whether removing and concentrating on one compound can still maintain the essence of the herb and provide all the benefits the herb is known for. Does that mean extracts are not helpful? Extracts can be immensely useful in providing support in many chronic health conditions but if you are looking to prevent disease, maintain your health and restore its natural ability to repair wear and tear, it is best to consume herbs in its most natural forms.