How would you deal with pain, say from a headache? Chances are you would reach for an anti-inflammatory drug such as ibuprofen to get fast relief. Now, this relief may be immediate but it comes at a price. Popping such medicines to manage your everyday pains and aches and even your chronic ones can have long-term negative effects on your body.
Most of us are aware of the powerful combination of calcium and Vitamin D when it comes to maintaining strong, healthy bones and preventing osteoporosis. However, there are other nutrients that take equally active and critical roles in bone health. When we focus on the benefits offered by a specific nutrient or a micronutrient, we often discount the fact that nutrients – well, most of them - simply don’t work alone.
Inflammation seems to be the buzzword among the health conscious. Everything ailment and every disease is directly or indirectly linked with inflammation. But is it really that bad to have an inflammation? Especially when inflammation is actually an integral part of our body’s natural healing mechanism and no infection or injury can be healed without it. We all are familiar with inflammation in one form or another. Ever cut a finger or had a sore throat? Well, there you are. All the pain, swelling and heat is because you are experiencing inflammation.
Our body is an amazing machine. Even when we are sleeping, it is working hard, doing amazing stuff at the backend to keep us healthy and rejuvenated. We all know how an all-nighter can make us feel all grumpy, tired and stressed. It is because sleep has a direct impact on the functioning of our central nervous system, the information highway of our body – affecting our mood, internal balance, cognitive and decision making abilities. Sleep deficiency is often cited as one of the biggest reasons for road and aviation accidents. In fact, two of the most tragic nuclear disasters in the recent history such as the 1979 Three Mile Island and the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear reactor meltdown have been linked to the lack of sleep.